Author: Paul Stamp

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  • Kindle reading

    How Durable Are Kindles? Here’s The Truth

    Since its initial release by Amazon in 2007, the Kindle has revolutionized how people read books and consume written content. Thanks to their simplicity and effectiveness, they remain the most popular e-reader device in the world today.  How durable are Kindles? Kindles are very Durable, on the surface, the Kindle may look like a flimsy…

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  • kindle books

    What Are Kindle Locations? Here’s The Answer

    Kindles are designed to provide a similar reading experience to paper books but with some added features for convenience. If you’re a Kindle user, you might have noticed the term “loc” while reading eBooks on the device.  What are Kindle locations? On a Kindle, “loc” is used as an abbreviation for “location.” This is a…

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  • Kindles

    Do Kindle Samples Expire? Here’s The Truth

    Kindle samples are an excellent way for readers to preview a book before they commit to buying it. In most cases, you get around 10% of the book, allowing you to get a feel for the writer’s style and the general themes of the book.  Do Kindle samples expire? There is no time limit on…

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  • kindle mac

    Where Does Kindle Store Books On A Mac? Revealed

    Kindle users often connect the device to a computer or laptop so that they can sync eBooks to it or other compatible files. If you own a Mac, you might wonder where you can find the Kindle books downloaded to your computer.  Where does Kindle store books on a Mac? If you’ve downloaded a book…

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  • Kindles

    Are Kindles Dual Voltage? Here’s The Truth

    Kindles are highly useful devices for people who love to read books. They provide a more convenient solution to paper books and are easy to travel with or take on your daily commute.  Are Kindles dual voltage? The Kindle is not dual voltage as it’s designed to be charged with 5 volts D.C. Therefore, it…

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  • Kindle reading

    Can You Use Kindle While Charging? 

    Most people have experienced the frustrating experience of attempting to use an electronic device while it is charging, only to find that its functionality is compromised. Often, this is due to using a suboptimal charging cable.  Can you use a kindle while charging? If you don’t mind your Kindle charging at a slower speed than…

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  • Apple watch

    Can An Apple Watch Save Your Life?

    The Apple Watch was first released in the spring of 2015 and quickly became one of the most popular smartwatches on the market. Millions of people use the Apple Watch worldwide for a variety of purposes.  Can an Apple Watch save your life? Apple introduced the fall detection feature in every model since the Series…

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  • Amazon Kindles

    Why Is Kindle Fire Cheaper Than Kindle?

    The Kindle Fire, which was rebranded as the Amazon Fire in 2014, is a popular tablet that uses the Fire OS operating system. Since the first model was released in 2011, the device has undergone many improvements and upgrades to its design.  Why is the Kindle Fire cheaper than the Kindle? The e-reader Kindle costs…

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  • Charging Kindle

    Can I Charge A Kindle With A Phone Charger? (Is It Safe?)

    Amazon’s Kindle is a great alternative to reading physical books. It allows you to store all of your favorite reading material in one device so that you can access eBooks anywhere, anytime.  Can I charge a Kindle with a phone charger? It’s certainly possible to charge a Kindle using a phone charger, providing that the…

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